GA Online
Event Schedule
Nia, Mistveiled Scout (foil)
Piper's Lullaby (foil)
Restorative Slash (foil)
Revitalizing Cleanse (foil)
Seafaring Mercenary (foil)
Set the Traps (foil)
Shroud in Mist (foil)
Sink into Oblivion (foil)
Snow Fairy (foil)
Stillwater Patrol (foil)
Strike from the Mist (foil)
Sudden Snow (foil)
Tidal Sweep (foil)
Tide Diviner (foil)
Water Barrier (foil)
Aesan Protector (foil)
Arrow Trap (foil)
Attune with the Winds (foil)
Beseech the Winds (foil)
Blackmarket Broker (foil)
Bushwhack Bandit (foil)
Camelot, Impenetrable (foil)
Channel the Wind (foil)
Combo Strike (foil)